Fiber Migration n Mechanisms causing fiber migration

Fiber Migration: The variation of the distance of a fiber or filament from the yarn axis along its length it is called fiber migration.

  1. Staple Length of Fiber: With the increase of staple length migration will also increase.
 2. Tension: With the increase of tension of fiber migration will also increase.
 3. Mode of Spinning: - Fiber migration in yarn depends on the methods of manufacturing processes.

Mechanisms causing fiber migration: Morton proposed that one of the mechanisms which cause fiber migration is the tension differences between fiber at different radial positions in a twisted yarn. During the twist insertion fiber are subjected to different tensions depending on their radial positions. According to the principle of the minimum energy of deformation, fiber lying near the yarn surface will try to migrate into inner zones where the energy is lower. This will lead to a cyclic interchange of fiber position

Result showed that fiber migration can be influenced mainly by three groups of factor:
1.     Fiber related factor such as fiber type: fiber length, fiber fineness, fiber initial modulus, fiber bending etc.
2.      Yarn related factor, such as yarn count and yarn twist
3.      Processing factors such as twisting tension, drafting system & number of doubling.

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